Cost Sets Tab of the Project Properties Dialog Box

Use this tab to group related classes together for reporting purposes using cost sets.

Cost Set Information

Field Description
Cost Set This column in the left grid of the Cost Sets tab displays the name of the cost set.
Description This column in the left grid of the Cost Sets tab displays a description of the cost set. You can modify the cost description in this column.

Included classes

This grid displays the classes that are included in the cost set that you selected in the left pane of the Cost Sets tab.

Field Description
Class This column displays the name of the class.
Description This column displays a brief description of the class.
Copy Cost Sets Click this button to display the Copy Cost Sets dialog box, where you can copy cost sets to other projects.

The Copy Cost Sets dialog box consists of two grids. The left grid displays the cost sets used in the selected project. The right grid displays the projects that the user has permission to access.

New Click this button to add a new row to the left grid for adding a new cost set.
Delete Click this button to delete the selected cost set.
Add Click this button to display the Class Lookup dialog box, where you can select the classes that you want to include in the cost set that you selected in the left grid of the Cost Sets tab.
Remove Click this button to remove the selected class from the cost set that you selected in the left grid of the Cost Sets tab.


Title Description
Using OTB in the IPMR Reports and IPMDAR Export Learn how to implement an over target baseline for display in the IPMR Reports and the IPMDAR Export.